Digital help provides good cyber hygiene

Digital help provides good cyber hygiene

Digital help provides good cyber hygiene Tekst: Anne-Lise Aakervik Foto: Geir Morgen/NTNU Data loss, hacking, storing data in the wrong places; These are some examples of what bad cybersecurity can lead to. In the hunt for a good risk assessment system, Gaute Wangen...
Algorithms may prevent online sexual abuse

Algorithms may prevent online sexual abuse

Algorithms may prevent online sexual abuse Tekst: Anne-Lise Aakervik Foto: Reports indicate that the number of cases involving online sexual abuse of children has increased by almost 50 percent in five years. Researchers at NTNU Gjøvik have developed...
A journey with Blueye

A journey with Blueye

A journey with Blueye Tekst: Anne-Lise AakervikFoto: When she was a little girl, Christine Spiten used to stick her head under water to explore all the fantastic life she found down there. At an early age, she dreamed of giving people “eyes” under water. And...