Solved crisis by developing new product

Solved crisis by developing new product

Solved crisis by developing new product Tekst: Anne-Lise Aakervik Foto: v/Erik Børseth When the manufacturer suddenly pulled from the market a critical medical mesh used to keep parastomal hernias under control, the doctors were forced to take matters into...
A journey with Blueye

A journey with Blueye

A journey with Blueye Tekst: Anne-Lise AakervikFoto: When she was a little girl, Christine Spiten used to stick her head under water to explore all the fantastic life she found down there. At an early age, she dreamed of giving people “eyes” under water. And...
Want to teach the world to speak

Want to teach the world to speak

Want to teach the world to speak Tekst: Anne-Lise AakervikFoto: Sounds Good is now Capeesh and takes aim to become the preferred digital language learning tool, tailored to its users’ unique needs.   In 2015, we wrote about two language researchers at...