Millions for groundbreaking ideas

Millions for groundbreaking ideas

Millions for groundbreaking ideas Sound-absorbing panels glued together by fungi. Advanced microscope camera that films brain cells in active laboratory animals. Environmentally friendly gas injector for eye surgery that reduces the risk of complications and...
Operations and innovations

Operations and innovations

Operations and innovations Helse Midt-Norge RHF is a loyal main partner of NTNU Discovery. This means that all employees in the region’s largest workplace, around 22,000 in total, can receive funding to test whether their ideas have commercial potential. Text:...
New application deadline for main project 2024

New application deadline for main project 2024

New application deadline for main project 2024 You can now apply for funding for a main project of up to NOK 1,000,000 for employees and NOK 300,000 for students. The application deadline for the main project in autumn 2024 is 30th September Support to carry out a...
4.6 million for “heros of tomorrow”

4.6 million for “heros of tomorrow”

4.6 million for “heros of tomorrow” “I think we should give everyone a big round of applause. These are the heroes of tomorrow,” proclaimed Pro Vice-Chancellor Torill Hernes in front of hundreds of people at the biannual event Tech, Hugs &...
Summer in Tyrol

Summer in Tyrol

Summer in Tyrol Coline Senior swapped holiday beach life for five hectic days at the IECT summer school for academic entrepreneurs in Wattens, Austria. Text: Per-Steinar MoenPhoto: Kristoffer Wittrup In the idyllic Austrian village of Wattens, 13 kilometers east of...
Generating profit from profit

Generating profit from profit

Main partner: Sparebank 1 SMN Generating profit from profit Sparebank 1 Midt-Norge (SMN) has been a key partner for NTNU Discovery since its inception in 2011 Each year, the bank has contributed millions to further develop ambitious ideas from employees and students...