Generating profit from profit

Generating profit from profit

Main partner: Sparebank 1 SMN Generating profit from profit Sparebank 1 Midt-Norge (SMN) has been a key partner for NTNU Discovery since its inception in 2011 Each year, the bank has contributed millions to further develop ambitious ideas from employees and students...
From bare ground to new heights

From bare ground to new heights

From bare ground to new heights Aviant aims to be the first and largest when the future is delivered by drone. CEO Lars Erik Fagernæs and flight manager Herman Øie Kolden in Aviant’s drone hangar. Text: Per-Steinar MoenPhoto: Kristoffer Wittrup The...
Consumer technology to monitor patients

Consumer technology to monitor patients

Consumer technology to monitor patients Tekst: Anne-Lise AakervikFoto: Teknologi fra pulsbelter og fitnessarmbånd gjør det mulig å overvåke pasienter kontinuerlig. Og frigjøre tid for travle sykepleiere. Bak oppfinnelsen finner vi fire studenter ved NTNU som...