
Climate aid

The construction industry is one of the climate evils. Today, it accounts for 40 percent of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions and 40 percent of energy consumption.

Aiding ALS patients

Tekst: Anne-Lise Aakervik | Foto: synlig.noA robotic brace lifting a paralyzed arm on command may improve quality of life. Meeting the ALS patients has been strong, says the trio. It has given them even more faith that MotOrtose can help give this patient group a...

Ask Knut — a system for finding and identifying ice

Tekst: Anne-Lise Aakervik | Foto: synlig.noIn the Arctic, several hundred different types of ice exist, each with its own characteristics and designation. A new app aims to make it possible to map different types of ice in record time, even for non-experts.The app...

Digital help provides good cyber hygiene

A research article on the wax moth caterpillar got three entrepreneurs thinking. The caterpillar eats plastic and leaves behind a substance that can be used for biofuel. Marine pollution and contaminated plastic is one of the biggest environmental challenges...

New method in record time during corona crises

Tekst: Anne-Lise Aakervik Foto: Geir Morgen/NTNUA spike in corona virus testing in the spring of 2020 led to St. Olavs Hospital almost running out of testing reagents. The shortage spurred a unique interdisciplinary research project at NTNU, where they developed a...


Project Manager
Jan Hassel
Telephone: +47 906 53 180
Office: Main building

Håvard Wiebe
Telephone: +49 414 73 768
Office: Main building

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