NTNU Discovery awarded NOK 5.75 million to the smartest inventors
The most promising inventions and business ideas among employees at NTNU and the Central Norway Regional Health Authority (Helse Midt-Norge) were awarded Wednesday 31. August awarded a total of NOK 5.7 million in main project funding from NTNU Discovery.
The funding went to a number of different inventors, including in medical research, construction and environmentally friendly manufacturing processes.
– NTNU’s strategy is knowledge for a better world. “NTNU Discovery will help create more new companies,” says Toril Hernes, vice director for innovation at NTNU, who presented the checks to the six different inventors at Gruva at Gløshaugen.
Nanotechnology breakthrough
Among those who received funding was Cleana, headed by Professor Magnar Bjørås at the Department of Clinical and Molecular Medicine. The same community was involved in the rapid development of effective corona tests in 2020.
Vice director Toril A. Nagelhus Hernes donates 1 million to Cleana v/Adeel Manaf and Professor Magnar Bjørås.
“Cleana is a unique nanomachine that can enter cells and cell nuclei. Nanoparticles are covered with enzymes and proteins that can perform specific operations inside the cell nucleus where the genetic material is located, without breaking down the cell,” says Professor Magnar Bjørås.
The work with Cleana is a direct result of the collaboration that arose during the development of the corona test, which also used nanoparticles.
“We are now looking at other opportunities and expanding the application of nanotechnology in medical molecular biology. Cleana would never have happened without the pandemic,” he says.
The support from NTNU Discovery is important to further develop the technology.
“We’re at a stage where we have a pilot that needs to be validated, and that costs money. At present, we don’t have the funding to do this, but we will get it through NTNU Discovery,” says Magnar Bjørås.
These inventions were awarded NOK 1 million to NTNU Discovery:
Aldera: Targeted radiation therapy
Aldera is a pharmaceutical tool for targeted radiation therapy using nanoparticles.
ClayColor: Eco-friendly dye
ClayColor is a dye based on clay minerals. The production is far more environmentally friendly compared to synthetic dyes, which are currently made from crude oil.
Cleana: Better epigenetic profiling
Cleana is a nanomachine for chromatin profiling for use in diagnostics and research.
EchoPOS-II: Simplify ultrasound examination
EchoPOS-II will make ultrasound examinations easier and faster.
MRC connection: Stronger wooden structures
MRC connection for timber buildings (moment resistant connection) is a construction method that allows for solid frame structures without diagonals and shear walls, and simplifies the bracing of buildings.
OxyPatch: Life-saving sensor
OxyPatch is a small sensor that measures oxygen levels in the brain and continuously sends information to an integrated display.
Other news
Millions for groundbreaking ideas
Sound-absorbing panels glued together by fungi. Advanced microscope camera that films brain cells in active laboratory animals. Environmentally friendly gas injector for eye surgery that reduces the risk of complications and greenhouse gas emissions. These were some of the innovative ideas that were awarded NTNU Discovery's main project funds at the award ceremony held in Gruva at Gløshaugen on Thursday, November 7.
Operations and innovations
Helse Midt-Norge RHF is a loyal main partner of NTNU Discovery. This means that all employees in the region's largest workplace, around 22,000 in total, can receive funding to test whether their ideas have commercial potential.
New application deadline for main project 2024
You can now apply for funding for a main project of up to NOK 1,000,000 for employees and NOK 300,000 for students. The application deadline for the main project in autumn 2024 is 30th September
4.6 million for “heros of tomorrow”
"I think we should give everyone a big round of applause. These are the heroes of tomorrow," proclaimed Pro Vice-Chancellor Torill Hernes in front of hundreds of people at the biannual event Tech, Hugs & Rock 'n' Roll at Havet on June 6. June, where Trondheim's entire start-up community and Minister of Digitisation Karianne Tung were gathered.
Summer in Tyrol
Coline Senior swapped holiday beach life for five hectic days at the IECT summer school for academic entrepreneurs in Wattens, Austria.
Project Manager
Jan Hassel
Email: jan.hassel@ntnu.no
Telephone: +47 906 53 180
Office: Main building
Håvard Wiebe
Email: havard.wibe@ntnu.no
Telephone: +49 414 73 768
Office: Main building