Beneficiaries of the main project grants in 2022.
Beneficiaries of NTNU Discovery’s main project in 2022 Photo: Erik Børseth (Infinitiv)

New deadlines for main project application


You can soon apply for support for the main project with up to NOK 1,000,000 for employees and NOK 300,000 for students. The application deadlines in 2023 is 1. March 1 and September 15.

The main project is a great opportunity to further develop your idea.

Some prerequisites for being able to apply for funds to further develop your idea through a main project:

  • You must be employed at NTNU or Helse Midt-Norge or be an active degree student at NTNU.
  • Employees must have reported their idea to NTNU Technology Transfer and received an intellectual property rights (IPR) report from them.
  • Students should have completed a pilot project at NTNU Discovery, and students studying in Trondheim must have received funding from Trønderenergi funds through the SPARK* programme.
  • The project cannot be associated with an already formed company.

Read more about how you can apply for project funding as an employee or as a student . Application forms will be ready shortly.

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Millions for groundbreaking ideas

Sound-absorbing panels glued together by fungi. Advanced microscope camera that films brain cells in active laboratory animals. Environmentally friendly gas injector for eye surgery that reduces the risk of complications and greenhouse gas emissions. These were some of the innovative ideas that were awarded NTNU Discovery's main project funds at the award ceremony held in Gruva at Gløshaugen on Thursday, November 7.


Project Manager
Jan Hassel
Telephone: +47 906 53 180
Office: Main building

Håvard Wiebe
Telephone: +49 414 73 768
Office: Main building

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